What does ADHD look like in children

What does ADHD look like in children

At times, it is normal if your child forgets something, daydreams in school acts without thinking, or gets restless at the dinner table. When this behavior is fused with frequent bouts of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, it may be a sign of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders that generally appear in early childhood. Research reveals that one in ten children between the ages of 5 and 17 years is diagnosed with ADHD in the country. ADHD in children is often associated with the problems they face at school—being inattentive most of the time, losing things, and more. It is a common observation that young boys are more likely to be diagnosed with the disorder than young girls, which may be because one of the significant symptoms of ADHD, hyperactivity, is more pronounced in boys’ behavior. A few girls might also display the classic symptoms of hyperactivity, but it’s rare among them. In girls, the disorder mainly manifests in the form of continually daydreaming or over-talkativeness. However, parents must realize that many ADHD symptoms might only be typical childhood behaviors and can vary from child to child, which makes ADHD a challenging disorder to diagnose.
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4 early indicators of colon cancer

4 early indicators of colon cancer

Colon cancer, which begins in a portion of the large intestine called the colon, affects many in our country. It is life-threatening and can spread to other body parts, such as the liver and lungs, if not detected and treated. Like most health disorders, colon cancer has a few early signs that help individuals identify it in its initial stages. One must visit a doctor for a diagnosis as soon as they experience these symptoms. Anemia Colon cancer often leads to bleeding in the large intestine without the patient’s knowledge. Frequent bleeding, in turn, causes a loss of red blood cells. As red blood cells are the primary oxygen carriers, their absence causes anemia, a condition where the blood cannot efficiently transport oxygen throughout the body. The signs of anemia are irregular heartbeat, cold hands and feet, shortness of breath, pale skin, and weakness or fatigue even after simple activities like skipping or climbing stairs. Tenesmus Tenesmus is a condition where a person experiences the urge to use the restroom multiple times, even after having passed stool. Essentially, one constantly feels their bowel movement is incomplete. Tenesmus is a significant early sign of colon cancer, so individuals must visit a healthcare provider immediately after experiencing this symptom.
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7 superfoods that help fight colon cancer

7 superfoods that help fight colon cancer

Colon cancer is cancer of the large intestine—the part of the body that plays a crucial role in digestion and waste elimination. Cancer is a serious and life-threatening condition, and it is essential to follow the doctor’s instructions when dealing with it. Poor eating habits increase the risk of colon cancer, so in addition to treatment, some superfoods can improve gut health and boost immunity. Here are some foods that can help manage colon cancer: Beans and legumes Beans and legumes are great options when it comes to combating colon cancer. Specifically, black beans contain certain fatty acids that protect against the growth of certain cancer cells. Berries Berries contain high levels of antioxidants and phytonutrients that are good for our gut health. Certain berries, such as black raspberries, contain high levels of anthocyanins, which restricts the growth of cancer cells in the body. Carrots Carrots contain beta-carotene, which can curtail the growth of abnormal cells. They also have other nutrients that can protect one against other types of cancer. Fish Fish like salmon and herring are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for maintaining heart health and can fight the growth of new cancer cells. Cruciferous vegetables Vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower contain substantial amounts of sulforaphane, which can minimize cancer risk and improve the body’s immunity.
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Safe food options during immune thrombocytopenia

Safe food options during immune thrombocytopenia

Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a condition in which patients can bleed or bruise easily and excessively. Seeking proper professional guidance and therapy is crucial in such situations, but that alone cannot help improve the quality of life. Healthy lifestyles and food choices can also play a pivotal role in helping these patients combat the disease. Therapy and healthy food choices go hand in hand to provide better patient care and ensure minimum health risks. Fats Avoiding fats from one’s meals is not a recommended approach to healthy meals. Foods rich in healthy unsaturated fats also bring numerous nutrients to the table. This includes options like nuts and seeds, avocados, nut butter, and high-quality cooking oils or ghee. Including healthy fats in meals can also help immune thrombocytopenia patients cope better with their stress. The higher number of calories in these food products proves beneficial to the body.  Avoiding unhealthy or saturated fats in meals is one of the most common pieces of advice people with any health condition get. This is especially important for people who stand a risk of cardiac diseases. Since ITP patients are prescribed prolonged corticosteroid usage, food that can negatively impact the heart should be avoided as much as possible.
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5 tasty and nutritious snack options for diabetics

5 tasty and nutritious snack options for diabetics

The next time a sugary treat entices you at the supermarket, consider the fact that almost 11% of the country’s population grapples with diabetes. Easy access to foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats has spurred an unprecedented increase in the number of individuals with diabetes. However, on the bright side, here’s a list of delicious and nutritious foods to indulge in without worrying about a spike in blood sugar levels. Hard-boiled eggs Hard-boiled eggs are high-protein, low-carb food sources that slow glucose absorption and aid digestion. Research suggests that consuming approximately two eggs a day has no adverse effects on the body in terms of cholesterol, blood sugar, and other parameters. Moreover, it typically enhances one’s fasting blood sugar levels. Boiled chickpeas The American Diabetes Association recommends chickpeas as high-fiber foods linked with low blood sugar levels. A bowl of boiled chickpeas garnished with pepper, lemon juice, and coriander leaves can fill one up till dinnertime! Fresh berries Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are great additions to one’s meal plan if they have been diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. Berries typically have a low glycemic index and are packed with essential vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. One may consume them directly or add them to their porridge and smoothies.
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7 physical activities that help manage diabetes symptoms

7 physical activities that help manage diabetes symptoms

Diabetes is a chronic health condition where the body does not generate enough insulin or cannot use it efficiently to control sugar levels. The condition affects about 37 million people in the country and is also a leading cause of kidney failure and adult blindness and a reason for lower-limb amputations. Some remedies help manage this condition; however, one can also curb symptoms by regularly following exercises. Check out some of such helpful activities below. Daily walks Walking is an ideal way of managing diabetes. Try brisk strolls for half an hour three to four times a week, or take your pet dog for a walk. You can also track your walking progress through fitness apps to make exercising fun. Swimming Swimming enhances the muscles in the upper and lower body. Strong muscle movements while swimming helps burn calories, lower cholesterol, and improve heart health. Swimming also does not strain the joints as other exercise routines would. Trying dance routines Dancing helps lower stress levels, burn calories, curb blood sugar, and benefit the heat. Dancing for around half an hour every day for three days a week will help improve symptoms of diabetes. Cycling Those experiencing diabetes symptoms should consider cycling for about 30 minutes daily, three to five times a week.
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4 foods to omit for healthy lungs

4 foods to omit for healthy lungs

When it comes to health, what you introduce into your body and environment holds great importance. This holds for lung health as well. With increased levels of air and water pollution surrounding us, impaired lung capacity is a growing concern. In such a scenario, avoiding foods that could further contribute to the deterioration of your lungs is necessary. Avoiding foods that can compromise lung health can also help maintain heart health. Processed meat Increased intake of highly processed meats like bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and other deli meats has long been linked to compromised lung health. According to numerous research results, daily intake of processed forms of meat can impair lung function, increasing the risk of developing and triggering conditions like COPD. A set of research also found the rehospitalization rate to be higher in COPD patients that continued using processed meat. The problem is the high salt content and the subsequent water retention these foods can cause. Added sugar Sugars that are not naturally present in food and have been added as a measure of taste enhancement or preservation are added sugars. Most often, it is in the form of refined sugar or other syrups. Commonly occurring foods with added sugars include cereals, granola, cakes, flavored yogurts, and more.
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Foods to avoid and remedies for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Foods to avoid and remedies for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) can cause severe discomfort and hamper day-to-day functioning in their more advanced stages. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are two common IBDs affecting several individuals at different severity levels. Ulcerative colitis (UC) involves inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine’s inner lining, whereas Crohn’s disease is characterized by swelling of the large intestine. Here are some foods patients with UC and Crohn’s disease should avoid, together with some treatment options. Whole grains Whole grains can irritate the gastrointestinal tract among individuals suffering from UC and Crohn’s disease. It helps to avoid consuming whole, unprocessed grains like buckwheat, brown rice, rolled oats, and wild rice varieties. In addition, white rice and instant oats may be more easily digestible. Raspberries A cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber, a no-no for individuals with UC and Crohn’s. Replacing such high-fiber fruits with low-fiber alternatives, such as cantaloupes, watermelons, nectarines, peaches, and fresh fruit juices without pulp, will help. Broccoli Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower contain high levels of insoluble fiber, which is difficult to digest and can aggravate existing digestive problems like UC and Crohn’s disease. It helps to avoid such vegetables and replace them with more easily digestible alternatives like asparagus tips, cucumber, and cooked spinach.
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