4 warning signs a child is neglected
Disheartening as it is, child abuse and neglect is a rampant issues in the country. According to the CDC, 1 in 7 children experienced abuse and neglect last year. Therefore, it is essential to recognize the early warning signs of child neglect to tackle this problem at its roots. This can take more than one form and manifest as physical, emotional, educational, or medical neglect. Here are some early warning signs to watch out for: Poor appearance and hygiene This may include the child being smelly or dirty, hungry, not being given money for food, having unwashed clothes, having inappropriate clothing for the weather, or having frequent or untreated nappy rashes (in infants). Health and development problems These issues may include anemia, poor muscle tone, prominent joints, medical or dental issues, missed medical appointments, poor language or social skills, recurring infections, repeated accidental injuries caused by a lack of supervision, skin issues such as sores, rashes, flea bites, scabies or ringworm, thin or swollen tummy, tiredness, untreated injuries, and growth issues. Housing and family issues Some of these warning signs may include the child living in unsuitable housing conditions, such as no heating or running water, being left alone for long periods, not having a curfew or bedtime, or taking on the role of carer for other family members.
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