5 silent signs of leukemia that need close attention
Leukemia is a blood cancer that predominantly affects a complex network of tissues making up the bone marrow and lymphatic system. In most cases, cancer spreads and affects the white blood cells, particularly in the bone marrow leading to excess production of these infection-fighting cells. Leukemia is a slowly progressing cancer that may go unnoticed; therefore, paying attention to the following silent signs becomes necessary. Unusual bleeding Unexplained nosebleeds or frequent bleeding of the gums are among the first signs of blood clotting. Clots can force the blood out with the slightest bruises, so paying attention to these bleeds is crucial. Women may also experience heavy menstrual periods indicating a severe problem. Observing purple spots anywhere on the skin is also a sign of blood clotting, so immediate medical attention is advisable. Fatigue and weight loss Leukemia affects the body’s ability to produce new red blood cells. A low RBC count means reduced oxygenated blood flowing through the body to different organs resulting in weakness and lethargy. Persistent tiredness can force a person not to be able to keep up with daily activities. However, one’s appetite may also be affected, causing rapid weight loss. Fever, pain, and weight loss Frequent bouts of fever raise the body temperature resulting in night sweats and chills.
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